Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advertisement Fallacies 4

This advertisement abuses the use of a logical fallacy in order to manipulate Mcdonald's fast food company. As you can see this is a representation of the Appeal to Tradition fallacy. In the past Mcdonalds food has been known to be unhealthy, high calorie food, causing it to generate a bad reputation. Causing the image of the company to be known that if you ate Mcdonalds you would become obese, which is somewhat of a Hasty Generalization since they don't consider the quantity of intake. But, what this McDonalds ad hasn't taken into consideration is the continuous efforts and changes that the McDonalds company is going through in order to create a better, healthy image. Changes such as a change in the menu, providing healthy alternatives such as salads and wraps instead of the typical burger and fries.
Hasty Generalization also plays a part in this print advertisement. It causes viewers to the insinuative connection between the man's weight issue to Mcdonalds food. The viewers make the false rationale that the man became obese just from eating McDonalds food whereas other causes could also be in affect. This thought is only concluded because of the limited evidence offered by the creator of the ad. Overall, the use of logical fallacies in this print advertisement is unsuccessful and only causes viewer to make negative connections.

1 comment:

  1. Good application of the fallacies, but watch your sentence structure. Some awkward constructions here.
