Thursday, November 26, 2009

Advertisement Fallacies 2

This live action ad is targeted at a large viewing audience. Although it is brief, the commercial catches consumer’s attention through the fictional plot of the ad. The fact that a man, Max Headroom, is interviewing a soft drink can is unique and makes this advertisement memorable to the viewers. We are also intrigued by the host, whom especially attracts attention to himself through his comical voice and sudden head movements as well as the bright striped screen in the background of the television set. This commercial also uses logical fallacies to make it appeal to the consumer eye. The logical fallacy, Everybody Does It, is strongly presented in this advertisement. The host is persuading the audience saying that “More people prefer the ne-ew refreshing taste of Coke over Pepsi.” He also proclaims that “More people are, as we gynaecologists say, catching the wave…”. Making statements based on people’s behaviour, whether it is justified or not. The advertisement also uses the method of comparison between competitors to give the New Coke product line an edge over their top competitor, Pepsi. This method tries to convince the consumer to notice the difference to confirm Coke as the better pick, because an acclaimed large volume of people have already.

Another logical fallacy used in this advertisement is Appeal to Authority. They used the comical Jim Carry to endorse their product. His fame and well-known character creates a certain popular image to consumers. Carry’s loud and many voice changes capture people’s attention and causes them to listen closely to what is being said.
The dark atmosphere of the room makes the viewers eyes stay glued to the center of interest, the television screen and the soft drink bottles. The variations of camera angles and spot light shifts viewers concentration from the Pepsi can to the Coke can intentionally. Overall, this commercial is successful because, through the use of fallacies it draws viewer’s attention and persuades them to think that New Coke will better that Pepsi.


  1. Some minor language errors to review. I he spells his name Carey. Good analysis of the elements.

  2. Okay, my proofreading is off, too. I THINK he spell his hame Carey.
